“dana is straight up magic! She’s deeply connected to her intuition which allows her to create the space necessary to easily guide her clients through their own personal journeys. I’m constantly inspired by Dana’s passion and energy and I carry her profound messages with me well beyond every session.”
— Allie F.
“I took a class with Dana at YoYoYogi and liked her immediately because her class was hard. Physically demanding with super engaging sequences. But as I returned weekly to Dana's classes, I grew to really love her honesty, humor and humility (not to mention rockin' playlists).
She's so authentic, she's open about her journey, and she brings thoughtful lessons to us all with grace and a whole lot of humor. I leave feeling taken care of, pushed, and energized.”
— Karen C.

“Your sense of humor is contagious and organic. I think many of us go to your classes to hear what funny insights you will share. You should seriously consider stand up because you are that fucking funny. I have brought 10+ people to your classes at both studios and they all know I have a very real “girl crush” on you for so many reasons. You are young enough to be my own daughter yet you have an old soul that is complex, reflective, thought-provoking, compassionate and loving.”
— Dawnie W.
“I would deeply encourage anyone on the fence to just try out a class or two. I would wager that you will open up parts of yourself you've maybe been hiding from or keeping small, and that Dana will support you on the journey to letting yourself unleash that and tap in to what is there beneath the surface. Both physically and emotionally, Dana has pushed me in the most supportive, graceful, and safe ways to step out further than I thought I could.”
— Hannah P.
“I’ve always struggled with yoga… whether it be the language or the art of stillness- I tend to check out. Dana is the first instructor I have had that makes yoga feel attainable and enjoyable. She has a raw and beautiful way of keeping you engaged and in your body, not to mention she is funny as hell. I am so grateful for every class of hers that I am able to take and always look forward to the next.”
— Lianne S.